Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte.
Dr. Darcy Alexandra:
Entre Ríos: Surveillance and Futurity in the US-Mexico Borderlands
This research project positions the Sonoran Desert as a vital place from which to study contesting theories of futurity. Within this landscape of deadly migration policies, extractive surveillance infrastructure, and some of the most unique ecological networks in the Americas, the research aims to learn from the multiple stakeholders who are imagining more equitable and livable futures.
Foto: Josh Schachter
“Entre Ríos” ist Teil des SNF-Projekts:
Big Data Lives. Anthropological Perspectives on Tech-Imaginaries and Human Transformations | Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Michaela Schäuble
Andrea Bordoli, M.A.:
Burnt Creek:
Experimental Audiovisual Approaches to Indigeneity and More-than-Human Ontologies in Northern Québec Mining Communities
This project takes place in the mining town of Schefferville and the adjacent Innu and Naskapi indigenous communities of Matimekush and Kawawachikamach, Northern Québec. Its main focus is the impact that mining had and still has on the territory itself and on the life of the indigenous people inhabiting it.
Das Projekt ist Teil SNF Sinergia-Projekts “Mediating the Ecological Imperative” | Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Michaela Schäuble
Mahroo Movahedi, M.A.:
A sensory ethnography of Zayanderood (Life-giving River) in Isfahan, Iran
This research is a collaborative process through understanding people’s senses, experiences and memoryescape of the Zayanderood, or “Life-giving river” in the city of Isfahan in Iran. The important aspects in this research is the sensory stimulation of memories via sight, sound and smell, the reporting of the sensual experiences, and the resulting thoughts and imaginations of the participants about past and present places, activities and feelings.
Das Projekt ist Teil des PhD Programms Study in the Arts (SINTA) | Betreut von Prof. Dr. Michaela Schäuble