World Premiere


World Premiere 〰️

Sediments (2025)

The EMB is happy to announce that the new documentary SEDIMENTS by our co-founder Laura Coppens has been selected at Visions du Réel 2025!

World premiereSunday, April 6th, 13:45 at Grande Salle, in the presence of the director and the film crew.

More info here

Sediments follows the traces of a family, uncovering the entanglements of two dictatorships layer by layer. Through the filmmaker’s conversations with her grandfather, we journey through different epochs of German history – National Socialism, the GDR and the post-reunification era. A film about memory and personal responsibility in times of dictatorship.

Many thanks to the entire film crew and everyone who helped make this film possible.

Director & writer: Laura Coppens
Camera: Pierre Reischer, Laura Coppens
Montage: Kathrin Schmid, Laura Coppens
Sound Design, Mix, Music: Azadeh Zandieh
Color Grading: Pierre Reischer
Mentoring dramaturgy & montage: Tania Stoecklin
Mastering & DCP: Rebecca Siegfried

multimodal engagements:
Symposium 27.-29.9.2024

10 Years of Media Ethnography at the Institute of Social Anthropology Bern celebrates a decade of interdisciplinary research, coursework, film- and art-based exploration at the intersection of audiovisual media and anthropology. This symposium showcases the innovative and diverse methodologies, research outputs, pedagogical approaches and theoretical advancements toward understanding the multiple ways in which media practices shape and are shaped by social realities. Through a retrospective lens, the event reflects on the rich tapestry of audiovisual and multimodal ethnographic work carried out at the Institute of Social Anthropology, highlighting key findings, pivotal projects, and the evolution of our thinking and practice in media ethnography. The symposium fosters a dialogue among scholars, practitioners, and students, encouraging collaborative discus- sions and critical engagements with media in our increasingly digitized and interconnected world. A series of panel discus- sions, film screenings and a keynote presentation will chart new directions for future ethnographic work in social anthropology. Through this dynamic engagement we aim to solidify the Institute's role as a leading center for anthropological inquiry into media and society in Switzerland and beyond.

Friday, 27 September 2024, Kulturpunkt, 13.30-20.00

Panel 1: Practices and Pedagogies (Future of the Discipline)

Student Film Screenings by Partner Programs

Student Film Screenings, University of Bern

Book Launch: Disability Worlds (Duke University Press, 2024)

Saturday, 28 September 2024, UniS, 10.00-18.00

Keynote: Indigenous Media, Visual Anthropology, and the Archival Imaginary

Panel 2: Decolonizing Media Anthropology

Panel 3: Critical Auto-Ethnography

Peek Preview (current film EMB) in Cinema Rex
Q&A moderated by Rossella Schillaci

Q&A Framing Agnes

5. Mai 2023

Kino Rex Prof. Dr. Michaela Schäuble


Aufzeichnung des Filmgesprächs mit Regisseur Chase Joynt nach dem Screening des preisgekrönten Films Framing Agnes im Kino Rex in Bern.

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Michaela Schäuble.

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Buch Publikation

6. April 2023

Material Culture in Transit: Theory and Practice
Zainabu Jallo (editor)


Material Culture in Transit: Theory and Practice constellates curators and scholars actively working with material culture within academic and museal institutions through theory and practice. The rich collection of essays critically addresses the multivalent ways in which mobility reshapes the characteristics of artefacts, specifically under prevailing issues of representation and colonial liabilities. The volume attests to material culture as central to understanding the repercussions of problematic histories and proposes novel ways to address them. It offers valuable reading for scholars of anthropology, museum studies, history and others with an interest in material culture.

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Buch Publikation

22. März 2023

Sawt, Bodies, Species. Sonic Pluralism in Morocco
Gilles Aubry


Die Dissertation  von Gilles Aubry «Sonic Pluralism. An Artistic Research on Postcolonial Aurality, Embodiment, and Ecological Voices in Morocco” (betreut von Prof. Dr. Michaela Schäuble) ist in Buchform mit dem TitelSawt, Bodies, Species. Sonic Pluralism in Morocco (open access) erschienen

Kostenloser Download des Buches hier

Living Water Review

8. August 2022
The Guardian


Visually magnificent meditation on Jordanian desert.

Eco-documentary contemplates the exploitation of the valuable Disi aquifer beneath the Wadi Rum valley, in one of the most water-poor countries in the world

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Finissage der Ausstellung von Vídeo nas Aldeias mit Führung und Kinoabend

22. Januar 2022
Coalmine Winterthur


17 Uhr
Führung durch die Ausstellung mit Prof. Dr. Michaela Schäuble, Direktorin des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern, und Annette Amberg, Ausstellungskuratorin
Freier Eintritt.

19.30 Uhr
Filmvorführung von Corumbiara: They Shoot Indians, Don’t They? (2009) von Vincent Carelli
und anschliessendes Zoom-Gespräch mit dem Regisseur
Dauer des Films: 117 Minuten, Portugiesisch mit englischen Untertiteln
Eintritt: CHF 10
Anmeldung für den Film über den Reservationsbutton hier auf der Webseite.

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Season #9 IN:VISIBLE


How to remain hidden behind or below, unheard in plain sight? How (not) to be seen? The politics of in:visibility are multi-folded for where there is a house front, there may just as well be an abyss in the backyard and from underneath where there was seemingly nothing a mushroom may unexpectedly grow. Mechanical lenses from above are watching too and the human ability to hear does not necessarily entail conscious listening. Ethnography is about paying close attention to perception, it is about the “arts of noticing” and we invite you to take up this challenge with EthnoKino.

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Confronting Hostile Terrains

19. August – 11. September 2021
Kornhausforum Bern


Um den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu fördern, organisieren Forschende vom Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern eine Ausstellung, die auf die Konsequenzen von menschenrechtswidrigen Grenz- und Migrationspolitiken aufmerksam macht. Die Ausstellung «Confronting Hostile Terrains» findet im Kornhausforum Bern statt und wird am Donnerstag, 19. August 2021 mit einer Lesung eröffnet.

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